The character also features 2000 frames of animation.

Unlike most Game Boy Color games, which lock down the sprite resolution of the player character at 16 to 32 pixels tall, Core decided to make Lara 48 pixels high to accentuate her looks. Tomb Raider was developed by Core Design and published by THQ as the first Tomb Raider game for a handheld console and Nintendo hardware. The story of the game follows Lara's attempts to stop a group of treasure hunters from possessing the Nightmare Stone, a key capable of releasing the evil god Quaxet. Lara can perform up to 25 different moves, including ledge-grabbing, backflips, and cliff-diving. In each level, the player must solve puzzles, jump over obstacles, and defeat enemies.

Game Boy Virtual Boy Game Boy Color Game Boy Adv Nintendo DS PS Portable. Nintendo Master System Genesis Super Nintendo Saturn. Emulation Lair The Vault Manual Project Message Boards FFA Links. Download Your Tomb Raider rom game file from our high-quality fast servers and with our RomsDroid secure website. Download 'Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend' for the PlayStation 2. In Tomb Raider, the player control Lara Croft though 14 levels spread across five areas. Tomb Raider ROM Download for your console and start playing Tomb Raider on your PC, Mac, Android, and emulators for free and also for other devices from our website. A sequel, Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword, was released in 2001.